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Speak Life

Many times in life we have a habit of reciting negative statements or cliches. A lot of times we say things without really giving any thought to our words. Sometimes, we even make statements because it’s the expected response or it’s the common statement to say. Often times we say things like.. I can’t do something, I never win, nobody likes me, I’m not good enough, I’ll never get picked, that won’t work for me, if it’s not one thing I t’s another, I always get sick, it’s killing me, etc…
I remember a time that I had trouble remembering the names of my many students and I would say, “I’m terrible with names”, and guess what?…I couldn’t remember many names. But then the Holy Spirit reminded me of (Mark 11:23-we have what we say.) then I changed my statement /declaration to “ I used to be bad with names, but I’m getting better”. After a period of time, guess what happened?…I was able to remember the names of several students and then it progressed to remembering the names of most students.
Have you ever had a habit of making negative statements, and the results were negative? Conversely, have you seen the fruit of your lips manifested after making positive declarations?
Please share your experiences in the blog as we encourage each other to speak Life!
– Donna Plattenburg


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Donna Plattenburg

13 thoughts on “Speak Life”

  1. Chanta Collins

    Our words have POWER! In proverbs it says ” A wise woman will build up her house and a foolishness woman will tare her house down with her own hands. ” I’m constantly reminding myself daily to speak the word over every situation , despite what I see with my physical eyes. Thanks for sharing

    1. Donna Plattenburg

      Chanta, you are so right, there’s Power in the words we speak, and we must continually be aware of what we’re speaking into the atmosphere.

      Thanks for sharing l!

  2. We definitely must be aware of the words we speak. I can reflect on several occasions where I did not check the negative words I spoke, and I reaped the fruits of that negative language. The same is true when we speak positively, but more importantly speaking God’s word. I can remember being taught to speak God’s word because we know it can not return to him void. So that is what I began to put into practice, and then quickly check the negative thoughts and speech.

    1. Donna Plattenburg

      Jamile, Yessss! That’s it Sis! Our words are seeds that we we plant, and it will grow into a harvest whether good or bad!
      Thanks for sharing!

  3. Susanna Bertram

    This was a wonderful reminder for me this morning. I was brought up in strong churches and God Bro a big part of my life as a preachers kid but honestly it was only as an adult going to different kids of churches that I learned anything about the power of words and speaking life. It just was something not taught. I’ve always been a positive person but at the same times when things were negative I would speak negative….and yes that only brought me lower. My Nana was a strong Christian and always spoke positive so that was my only role model and even though she was always speaking positive it was never explained. Today, with learning about speaking life I do see the difference in every situation. In coming across some things in my life lately that aren’t all that bad but I’m struggling with…on the days I speak negative my mind goes negative and I get depressed and then I physically don’t feel like I have the strength to tackle the issue. On the days I speak life it’s not just words but it’s spiritual then it’s a mindset and it is physical – it affects the “whole” whichever way you speak. Chanta I love how you put that it’s an everyday effort – if I spoke life yesterday but not today I still can’t move forward or be where God wants me to be.

    1. Donna Plattenburg

      Susanna, this was a great reminder of understanding how words are seeds that will eventually grow, so yes we must “speak life.”

    2. Donna Plattenburg

      Susanna. This was a great reminder of understanding the importance of how words are seeds that will eventually grow into a harvest and we must remember to “speak life”.
      Thanks for sharing!

    3. Donna Plattenburg

      Susanna, the Bible teaches us we will have whatever we say so your so right our words affect every area of our lives. Our words are seeds that we we plant, and it will grow into a harvest whether good or bad!
      Thanks for sharing!

  4. I see people recite affirmations. I am going to incorporate this in my walk with Christ. I am everything God says I am. Anything else is not His will. I believe I have no issue with positive words on my behalf. To be transparent I have more of an issue with what someone else may feel about me.
    In my mind I am what God says I am. If anyone says anything other than that I have a huge issue.I have to train myself to believe what God says that I am and Anything else is just chatter.We are all works in progress. I am teachable , I am not above reproach, I am a student of Christ. Be blessed and love the reading Emani.

    1. Donna Plattenburg

      Hi Shannon, thank you so much for your insight for oversight! When I wrote this blog, I knew it was important to remind my sisters to speak life, so we can reap the benefits of Gods promises for us. I like how you reminded us to use our daily positive affirmations, and to remain teachable by studying the Word so we can recognize words of truth or a lie, then we will be able to respond appropriately.

  5. Amanda Sampson

    Wow, this is on time. We definitely have what we say, we must remember to speak God’s word and believe what he says. Negative words/thoughts are draining and deprive us from seeing the bigger picture of what God is doing in that moment/situation. Positive words/thoughts nurtures a more fulfilled life. We must say what God says and stand on his word. Death and life is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

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