
My Sisters’ Keeper first blog post

Hello and Welcome to My Sisters’ Keeper first blog post! I’m so glad you decided to stop by and check us out!

A year has passed since our world went into pandemic lock-down mode. The once peculiar-sounding directives to “socially distance”, “mask up”, “keep 6-feet apart” and “stay safe, stay home” have now found their way into our everyday vernacular.

The urgent need to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the community at large, has intensified other critical needs that seem to have gone unspoken and unmet. To mention just a few, these include the need for belonging, community, a reassuring embrace, companionship, a shoulder to cry on, and a good old-fashioned, face-to-face, heart-to-heart conversation with your closest girlfriends. For me, these basic human emotional needs can be summed up in the Greek word, koinonia. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines this term as, “intimate spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community.” It is the Christian fellowship of a body of believers.

While nothing can replace the physical assembling of ourselves together as sisters in Christ, the intention of this blog is to provide a space for us, the women of New Generation Church, to come together virtually and discuss what’s on our hearts and minds, to encourage one another, and perhaps even to extend an occasional emoji heart or hug ????. It is my hope that you find this blog to be a place of koinonia for you.

Each week, you will be encouraged to read, ponder, and respond to a Thought for the Day or Question for Discussion. I invite you to join in the conversation with your NGC sisters by sharing your personal thoughts, testimonies, and words of encouragement.

To kick-off the conversation, I would be interested to hear what topics or questions you’d like to discuss in future blog postings. Please share your thoughts.

Thanks in advance!
My Sisters’ Keeper, Laura Thomas

Posted in

Laura Thomas

18 thoughts on “My Sisters’ Keeper first blog post”

  1. I would like tips or advice on how to encourage adult children in the word and things of God. It can often times be frustrating as a parent to see your child going down what we may consider as the wrong road.

  2. Hello sisters! I’m so excited about this blog where we can have koinonya fellowship!
    I’d like for us to discuss relationships with young adult children.

  3. Hello, Everyone! I miss you all so much! Lately, I have been wrestling with issues concerning my adult children. I want to discuss how women of our church are dealing with their adult children. It was A LOT of work when they were young, but they were much easier to boss around, I mean handle! :)

  4. Hi Sisters!!!! I’m so excited about this blog and just having a safe place to share my heart. I don’t have grown children, but I have growing children and my desire for them is to have their own personal relationship with God with a strong foundation so that when they enter adulthood they will lean on God through challenges, praise God through victories and seek God for answers/decisions. My concern is how to lead them into but not force that relationship.

  5. Hello my sisters. It is so amazing to me when you realize that you are not alone with dealing with a certain issue. Like the rest of you I am wrestling with issues concerning my adult children. God help us all!!

  6. Yes, that’s why we need each other, in koinonia! We are NOT alone. We do not have to feel as if we failed, and we can help each other through!

  7. I too am on a new road with my adult child. Even though I feel it’s the best road we have ever been on I feel in equipped at times and pray that God will help me show them the importance of the word and following a Godly life. Thank you all for being here.

  8. I too am on a new journey with my adult son. Though it’s the best journey we’ve been on I feel ill equipped. I want to be able to show him the importance of a relationship with God and also getting into the word. I’m glad you all are here.

  9. Hello my sisters, as your kids continue to get older they will be tempted to explore other options that the world offers. Continued to pray and lead by example. Do not give up eventually everything they were taught they will start to practice. My youngest son is 31 years old and he strayed away from living the principles of the word. But God and many prayers, I see that the values that was instilled in him is shining now. He still has a way to go but he has come a long way.

  10. Greetings Sisters!
    I’ve learned from my experience being a mother interacting with an adult child that my strength comes while on my knees to our Lord. Parenting at times can be the most emotional, physically exhausting, mentally frustrating, and so on, but amazingly rewarding and a JOY!
    Yes, there are many times you are completely bewildered, but remember you have already trained them in the ways of our Lord. His words reassures us that they might wonder, but they shall return. I am a living witness and testify that once we are in His hands, know His words or even heard His words; it’s shall rings in our hearts.

    We as mothers, should remember to continue to be examples, stand strong while on our knees to our Lord and most of all remember we, too are children to our Heavenly Father.
    James 1: 2-5.

    I am wondering, will we discuss all concerns. I’m particularly interested in the share- grief ministry. I’m slightly hesitant to participate but it’s deeply a need in our community. It’s must easier to express your thoughts and concerns among sisters or brethren.
    This was a GREAT idea, Lady Laura!

    The body of Believers is indeed a refuge. The Sisterhood is a reassuring refuge, a shelter of strength, a nook of caring Sistas.
    After, reading and writing, I decided to join the share-grief ministry.
    Wonderful Idea!

    1. Good evening Sister! Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I see you’re interested in Grief Share. I’ve added the link for more information: [Link deleted]
      Be blessed!

  11. Thank you sisters for your words of wisdom and insight. They have greatly helped me to remember that what we are instilling and modeling about God is in them, and I have to trust God to keep and guide them. Love you all.????

  12. Hello Sisters. I some how missed this blog earlier; however, I am so excited about it and MSK ministry. I like most of you all that have posted and interested in topics on school age and young adult children. Thank you Sisters Wonga and Robin for the reminder of prayer and continuing to model before our children what thus Saith the Lord. Looking forward to fellowship with you all tomorrow.

  13. Hello MSK! It’s really encouraging to know we have liked minded sisters who are willing to encourage, support, and pray for one another regarding many of life different challenges. Looking forward to our time of Koinonia! :)

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