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Want to Help?

Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages – I Corinthians 12:28

Thank you for your interest in the Ministry of Helps. We believe that God has a plan and purpose for every Christian and that purpose will be fulfilled in the local church. Since you are interested in this area of ministry we want you to be encouraged and to know that our desire is to see you fulfill all God has called you to do and be. As a part of the Ministry of Helps, there are specific guidelines that we have established for our team to work together and to be the best we can be.

Who participates in the ministry of helps?
I Corinthians 12:18

God placed every member in the church as it has pleased Him.

As a member of NGC, everyone should participate in the Ministry of Helps. The root word in participate is the same root word that is found in partner (part). You must find out what is your part in the body of Christ and strive to do it with a spirit of excellence. If you never do your part, you will never feel a part. Welcome!  We are glad you are here.



2nd and 4th Friday
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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